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index = index + 1; data.Timestamp = this.options["Timestamp" + index]; data.AtCommentId = $(this.options.eventSource).parents(".w-comment-list-item").attr("commentid"); var checkFlag = this.checkPostData(data); if (checkFlag) { data.CommentText = escape(data.CommentText); this.postComment(data); } }; this.checkPostData = function (data) { var type = this.options.postType; this.clearError(); if ($.trim(data.CommentText) == "") { if (type == "comment") { this.showError(this.getCurrentCommentElement(), this.options.commentTextEmpty); } else { this.showError(this.getCurrentCommentElement(), this.options.replyTextEmpty); } return false; } else { if (data.CommentText.length > 400) { if (type == "comment") { this.showError(this.getCurrentCommentElement(), this.options.commentTextMaxLength); } else { this.showError(this.getCurrentCommentElement(), this.options.replyTextMaxLength); } return false; } } if ($.trim(data.Captcha) == "") { if (type == "comment") { if (!this.options.isLogin) { this.showError(this.getCurrentCaptchaElement(), this.options.captchaEmpty); return false; } } else { if (!this.options.isLogin) { this.showError(this.getCurrentCaptchaElement(), this.options.captchaEmpty); return false; } } } return true; }; this.serializePostData = function () { var source = this.options.eventSource; var data = {}; data.CommentText = $(source).parent().parent().parent().find("textarea").val(); data.CommentText = $.trim(data.CommentText); data.Captcha = $(source).parent().parent().find(".w-comment-code-input").val(); data.EntityId = this.options.entityId; data.EntityType = this.options.entityType; return data; }; this.smrecompute = function (hisH) { var tabContentHeight = $('#' + this.options.controlId + ' .w-comment').height(); $('#' + this.options.controlId).smrecompute("recomputeTo", [tabContentHeight, hisH]); }; this.postComment = function (data) { var self = this; self.options.isPosting = true; $.ajax({ url: '/Comment/AddComment', type: 'POST', //GET async: true, //或false,是否异步 data: data, timeout: 5000, //超时时间 dataType: 'json', //返回的数据格式:json/xml/html/script/jsonp/text success: function (result) { if (result.IsSuccess) { if (self.options.postType == "comment") { alert(self.options.postCommentSucess); } else { alert(self.options.postReplySucess); } $(self.getCurrentCommentElement()).val(''); $(self.getCurrentCaptchaElement()).val(''); self.loadCommentList(); } else { if (typeof result.validate != "undefined") { if ( == "Captcha") { self.showError(self.getCurrentCaptchaElement(), result.validate); } if ( == "Comment" || == "Reply") { self.showError(self.getCurrentCommentElement(), result.validate); } } } }, complete: function () { self.options.isPosting = false; } }); }; this.showPager = function () { var pagerStyle = this.options.pagerStyle; var htmlId = this.options.controlId;//self.options.totalPageCount var pageIndex = this.options.pageIndex; var totalPage = this.options.totalPageCount; if (this.options.isShowPager && this.options.totalPageCount > 1) { var pager = $("#" + htmlId).find(".xn-pager"); pager.jqPaginator('option', { totalCounts: this.options.totalCount, onPageChange: this.onPageChange }); $("#" + htmlId + " .xn-pager").show(); } else { $("#" + htmlId + " .xn-pager").hide(); } }; this.ajaxLogin = function () { var self = this; $.get("/ebusiness/RenderLoginPartial", {}, function (result) { $("body").append(result); window["CommentAjaxLoginCallBack"] = function (data) { if (data.IsSuccess && data.IsLogin) { self.getCurrentUser(); } } }) }; this.clearError = function () { $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w-haserror").removeClass("w-haserror"); $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .notifi").remove(); }; this.showError = function (target, message) { this.clearError(); $(target).parent().addClass("w-haserror"); $(target).parent().parent().append('' + message + ''); var prev = $(this.options.eventSource).parent().prevAll(); var left = 0; prev.each(function () { if ($(this).is(':visible')) { left = $(this).width(); } }); $("#" + this.options.controlId).find(".notifi").css("left", left + "px"); } this.getCurrentCommentElement = function () { var source = this.options.eventSource; return $(source).parent().parent().parent().find("textarea"); }; this.getCurrentCaptchaElement = function () { var source = this.options.eventSource; return $(source).parent().parent().parent().find(".w-comment-code-input"); }; this.getCurrentUser = function () { var self = this; $.ajax({ url: '/Common/GetCommentInfo', type: 'POST', //GET async: true, //或false,是否异步 data: { entityId: self.options.entityId, entityType: self.options.entityType }, timeout: 5000, //超时时间 dataType: 'json', //返回的数据格式:json/xml/html/script/jsonp/text success: function (result) { var $UserInfo = $("#" + self.options.controlId + " .w-comment-top .w-comment-loginInfo"); var $CommentCaptcha = $("#" + self.options.controlId + " .w-comment-top .w-comment-code"); if (result.IsLogin) { $UserInfo.find("img").attr("src", result.Avatar); $UserInfo.find(".name").text(result.UserName); $UserInfo.parents(".w-comment-top").addClass("w-contleft"); $; $CommentCaptcha.hide(); self.options.isLogin = true; } else { self.options.isLogin = false; $UserInfo.parents(".w-comment-top").removeClass("w-contleft"); $UserInfo.hide(); $; } } }); }; this.goToComemntTextbox = function () { $("#" + this.options.controlId)[0].scrollIntoView(); }; this.initCommentHeight = function () { var hisH = $('#' + this.options.controlId).height(); var tabContentHeight = $('#' + this.options.controlId + ' .w-comment').height(); $('#' + this.options.controlId).css("min-height", tabContentHeight + "px"); $('#' + this.options.controlId).attr("hish", tabContentHeight); this.smrecompute(hisH); }; this.onPageChange = function (pageIndex, type) { if (type == "change") { if (pageIndex <= 0 || pageIndex == that.options.pageIndex || pageIndex > that.options.totalPageCount) { return; } that.options.pageIndex = pageIndex; that.loadCommentList(true); } } }; $.fn.smartNPCommentControl = function (opt) { if (wzComment[opt]) { return wzComment[opt].apply(this,, 1)); } else if (typeof opt === 'object' || !opt) { return new wzComment().init(opt); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.smartNPCommentControl'); } }; }(jQuery); + function ($) { var wzLeaveword; wzLeaveword = function () { this.options = { controlId: '', controlType: 'Pc', style: "Style1", $subjectElement: {}, $messageElement: {}, $emailElement: {}, $captchaElement: {}, $submitElement: {}, $resetElement: {}, isPosting: false, emptyPrefix: '请输入', correctMailPrefix: '请输入正确的', contentMaxLength: '不能超过200个字符', postSucess: '提交成功', postFail: '提交失败', correctMailValidate: '请输入正确格式的邮箱!' }; this.init = function (opt) { $.extend(this.options, opt || {}); this.options.$subjectElement = $("#" + this.options.controlId + " input[name='Subject']"); if ($("#" + this.options.controlId + " textarea[name='Message']").length > 0) { this.options.$messageElement = $("#" + this.options.controlId + " textarea[name='Message']"); } else { this.options.$messageElement = $("#" + this.options.controlId + " input[name='Message']"); } this.options.$emailElement = $("#" + this.options.controlId + " input[name='Email']"); this.options.$captchaElement = $("#" + this.options.controlId + " input[name='Captcha']"); this.options.$submitElement = $("#" + this.options.controlId + " a[name='Submit']"); this.options.$resetElement = $("#" + this.options.controlId + " a[name='Reset']"); if ($("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-guestbook").length > 0) { this.options.controlType = "Mobile"; } = $("#" + this.options.controlId).attr("cstyle"); $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w-item-textarea").height($("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w-guestbook-both-left").outerHeight() - 12); this.refreshLeavewordCaptcha(); this.bindEvent(); }; this.refreshLeavewordCaptcha = function () { this.options["Timestamp"] = Math.random(); $("#" + this.options.controlId + " img").attr("src", "/Common/GenerateLeavewordCaptcha?timestamp=" + this.options["Timestamp"]); }; this.bindEvent = function () { var self = this; $("#" + this.options.controlId + " img").on("click", function () { self.refreshLeavewordCaptcha(); }); //提交 $("#" + this.options.controlId).on("click", "a[name='Submit']", function () { if (self.options.isPosting) { return false; } self.submitLeaveword(); }); //重置 $("#" + this.options.controlId).on("click", "a[name='Reset']", function () { self.reset(); }); }; this.submitLeaveword = function () { var data = this.serializePostData(); var checkFlag = this.checkPostData(data); if (checkFlag) { this.postLeaveword(data); } }; this.checkPostData = function (data) { this.clearError(); if ($.trim(data.Subject) == "") { this.showError(this.options.$subjectElement, this.options.emptyPrefix + ' ' + this.getElementTitle(this.options.$subjectElement)); return false; } else { if (data.Subject.length > 200) { this.showError(this.options.$subjectElement, this.getElementTitle(this.options.$subjectElement) + ' ' + this.options.contentMaxLength); return false; } } if ($.trim(data.Message) == "") { this.showError(this.options.$messageElement, this.options.emptyPrefix + ' ' + this.getElementTitle(this.options.$messageElement)); return false; } if ($.trim(data.Email) == "") { this.showError(this.options.$emailElement, this.options.emptyPrefix + ' ' + this.getElementTitle(this.options.$emailElement)); return false; } //留言控件不在验证邮箱格式 //else { // if (!$.wezhan.isEmail(data.Email)) { // this.showError(this.options.$emailElement, this.options.correctMailValidate); // return false; // } //} if ($.trim(data.Captcha) == "") { this.showError(this.options.$captchaElement, this.options.emptyPrefix + ' ' + this.getElementTitle(this.options.$captchaElement)); return false; } return true; }; this.serializePostData = function () { var data = {}; data.Subject = this.options.$subjectElement.val(); data.Message = this.options.$messageElement.val(); data.Email = this.options.$emailElement.val(); data.Captcha = this.options.$captchaElement.val(); data.Timestamp = this.options["Timestamp"]; data.emailPlaceHolder = this.options.$emailElement.attr('placeholder'); return data; }; this.smrecompute = function () { $('#' + this.options.controlId).smrecompute(); }; this.postLeaveword = function (data) { var self = this; self.options.isPosting = true; data.Subject = escape(data.Subject); data.Message = escape(data.Message); $.ajax({ url: '/Leaveword/AppendLeaveword', type: 'POST', //GET async: true, //或false,是否异步 data: data, timeout: 5000, //超时时间 dataType: 'json', //返回的数据格式:json/xml/html/script/jsonp/text success: function (result) { if (result.IsSuccess) { alert(self.options.postSucess); self.reset(); self.refreshLeavewordCaptcha(); } else { if ( != undefined && == "Captcha") { self.showError(self.options.$captchaElement, result.validate); } else { alert(self.options.postFail); } } }, complete: function () { self.options.isPosting = false; } }); }; this.clearError = function () { if (this.options.controlType == "Pc") { $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w-verify").addClass("w-hide"); $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w-verify-text").text(''); } else { $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-verify").addClass("mw-hide"); $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-verify-text").text(''); } $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w-haserror").removeClass("w-haserror"); }; this.showError = function (target, message) { this.clearError(); if ( == "Style6" && $(target).attr("name") == "Message") { $(target).parent().parent().addClass("w-haserror"); } else { $(target).parent().addClass("w-haserror"); } if (this.options.controlType == "Pc") { $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w-verify-text").text(message); $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w-verify").removeClass("w-hide"); } else { $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-verify-text").text(message); $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-verify").removeClass("mw-hide"); } }; this.getElementTitle = function (target) { var title = ""; if (this.options.controlType == "Pc") { if ( == "Style1") { return target.attr("placeHolder"); } else if ( == "Style2") { if (target.attr("name") == "Captcha") { return target.parent().parent().prev().html(); } else { return target.parent().prev().html(); } } else if ( == "Style3") { return target.parents("td").prev().find("label").html(); } else if ( == "Style4" || == "Style5" || == "Style6") { return target.attr("placeHolder"); } //else if ( == "Style5") { // return target.attr("placeHolder"); //} } else { if ( == "Style1") { return target.attr("placeHolder"); } else if ( == "Style2") { return target.attr("placeHolder"); } } }; this.reset = function () { this.clearError(); this.options.$subjectElement.val(''); this.options.$messageElement.val(''); this.options.$emailElement.val(''); this.options.$captchaElement.val(''); }; }; $.fn.smartNPLeavewordControl = function (opt) { if (wzLeaveword[opt]) { return wzLeaveword[opt].apply(this,, 1)); } else if (typeof opt === 'object' || !opt) { return new wzLeaveword().init(opt); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.smartNPLeavewordControl'); } }; }(jQuery); + function ($) { var wzMobileComment; wzMobileComment = function () { var that = this; this.options = { controlId: '', entityId: 1, entityType: 1, pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 1, totalPageCount: 1, totalCount: 0, replyText: "回复", changeCaptchaText: "换一张", summitText: "发表", isShowAvatar: true, isShowReplyIcon: true, replyIcon: "ꂖ", isMustLogin: true, isLogin: false, pagerStyle: "Style1_Item0", isShowPager: true, eventSource: undefined, isPosting: false, postType: "comment", commentTextEmpty: "请输入评论内容", commentTextMaxLength: "评论内容最长支付400个字符", replyTextEmpty: "请输入回复内容", replyTextMaxLength: "回复内容最长支付400个字符", captchaEmpty: "请输入验证码", captchaError: "验证码错误", error: "提交的数据有错误", pageNumberError: "请输入正确有页码", postCommentSucess: "提交评论成功", postCommentFail: "提交评论失败", postReplySucess: "回复评论成功", postReplyFail: "回复评论失败", adminUserName: "管理员", anonymousUserName: "匿名用户", isHiddenFullName: false, atCommentId: 0 }; this.init = function (opt) { $.extend(this.options, opt || {}); var entityId = $("#pageinfo").attr("data-entityid"); var entityType = $("#pageinfo").attr("data-type"); if (typeof entityId !== 'undefined') { this.options.entityId = parseInt(entityId); } if (typeof entityType !== 'undefined') { this.options.entityType = parseInt(entityType); } this.loadCommentInfo(); }; this.refreshCommentCaptcha = function (targetImg, index) { this.options["Timestamp" + index] = Math.random(); $(targetImg).attr("src", "/Common/GenerateCommentCaptcha?timestamp=" + this.options["Timestamp" + index]); }; this.loadCommentInfo = function () { $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .w_pager").hide(); var self = this; $.ajax({ url: '/Common/GetCommentInfo', type: 'POST', //GET async: true, //或false,是否异步 data: { entityId: self.options.entityId, entityType: self.options.entityType, isHiddenFullName: self.options.isHiddenFullName }, timeout: 5000, //超时时间 dataType: 'json', //返回的数据格式:json/xml/html/script/jsonp/text success: function (result) { if (result.IsAllowComments) { var $UserInfo = $("#" + self.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-dialogue-cont .mw-comment-loginInfo"); var $CommentCaptcha = $("#" + self.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-dialogue-cont .mw-comment-code"); if (result.IsLogin) { $UserInfo.find("img").attr("src", result.Avatar); $UserInfo.find(".name").text(result.UserName); $; $CommentCaptcha.hide(); self.options.isLogin = true; } else { self.options.isLogin = false; $UserInfo.hide(); $; } $("#" + self.options.controlId).find(".mw-comment").show(); self.initCommentHeight(); self.bindEvent(); self.loadCommentList(); //加载评论验证码 self.refreshCommentCaptcha($("#" + self.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-dialogue-cont img.validCodeImg"), 0); } else { $("#" + self.options.controlId).remove(); } } }); }; this.ajaxLogout = function () { var self = this; $.ajax({ url: '/Customer/AjaxLogout', type: 'POST', //GET async: true, //或false,是否异步 data: {}, timeout: 5000, //超时时间 dataType: 'json', //返回的数据格式:json/xml/html/script/jsonp/text success: function (result) { if (result.IsSuccess) { $.get("/customer/GenerateNewCSRFToken", {}, function (token) { $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(token.token); var $UserInfo = $("#" + self.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-loginInfo"); var $CommentCaptcha = $("#" + self.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-code"); // $UserInfo.parents(".mw-comment-top").removeClass("mw-contleft"); $UserInfo.hide(); $; }, "json"); } } }); }; this.loadCommentList = function (goToComemnt) { var self = this; var data = {}; data.entityId = self.options.entityId; data.entityType = self.options.entityType; data.pageIndex = self.options.pageIndex; data.pageSize = self.options.pageSize; data.isHiddenFullName = self.options.isHiddenFullName; $.ajax({ url: '/Comment/LoadCommentList', type: 'POST', //GET async: true, //或false,是否异步 data: data, timeout: 5000, //超时时间 dataType: 'json', //返回的数据格式:json/xml/html/script/jsonp/text success: function (result) { if (result.IsSuccess) { var hisH = $("#" + self.options.controlId + ' .mw-comment').height(); $("#" + self.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-num .text").text(; var html = ""; var list = result.rows; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var item = list[i]; if (item.CommentUserName == "Comment.UserName.Admin") { item.CommentUserName = self.options.adminUserName; } if (item.CommentUserName == "Comment.UserName.Anonymous") { item.CommentUserName = self.options.anonymousUserName; } html += '
'; html += '
'; html += ' '; html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
' + item.CreateDatetime + '' + item.CommentUserName + '
'; html += '
' + item.CommentText + '
'; if (item.Reply != undefined && item.Reply != null && item.Reply.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < item.Reply.length; j++) { var reply = item.Reply[j]; if (reply.CommentUserName == "Comment.UserName.Admin") { reply.CommentUserName = self.options.adminUserName; } if (reply.CommentUserName == "Comment.UserName.Anonymous") { reply.CommentUserName = self.options.anonymousUserName; } html += '
'; html += '
'; html += '
' + reply.CommentUserName + ':
'; html += '
' + reply.CommentText + '
'; html += '
'; html += '
'; } } html += ' ';; html += '
'; html += '
'; } $("#" + self.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-list").html(html); self.options.totalPageCount = result.pageTotal; self.options.totalCount =; self.showPager(); self.smrecompute(hisH); if (goToComemnt) { self.goToComemntTextbox(); } } } }); }; this.bindEvent = function () { var self = this; $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-dialogue-cont img.validCodeImg").on("click", function () { self.refreshCommentCaptcha(this, 0); }); //切换回复评论窗口显示 $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-list").on("click", "a.toggleReply", function () { self.options.eventSource = this; if (self.options.isMustLogin) { self.getCurrentUser(self.showReply); } else { self.showReply(); } }); //提交评论 $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-dialogue-cont .mw-comment-button").on("click", function () { if (self.options.isPosting) { return false; } if (self.options.isMustLogin) { self.getCurrentUser(self.checkPostLogin); } else { if (self.options.postType == "reply") { self.submitReply(); } else { self.submitComment(); } } }); //注销 $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-dialogue-cont .mw-comment-loginInfo").on("click", "a.quit", function () { self.ajaxLogout(); }); //文本统计事件 $("#" + this.options.controlId + "").on("keyup", "textarea", function () { var length = $(this).val().length; $(this).next().find("span").text(length); }); //文本框点击事件 $("#" + this.options.controlId).on("click", "textarea", function () { //if (self.options.isMustLogin) { // self.getCurrentUser(); // if (!self.options.isLogin) { // self.ajaxLogin(); // } //} }); //弹出发表评论对话框 $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-comment-input").on("click", function () { if (self.options.isMustLogin) { self.getCurrentUser(self.showComment); } else { self.showComment(); } }); //关闭弹框点击事件 $("#" + this.options.controlId + " .mw-close").on("click", function () { self.closeCommentDialog(); }); }; this.submitComment = function () { var data = this.serializePostData(); var index = 0; data.Timestamp = this.options["Timestamp" + index]; var checkFlag = this.checkPostData(data); if (checkFlag) { data.CommentText = escape(data.CommentText); this.postComment(data); } }; this.submitReply = function () { var data = this.serializePostData(); index = 0; data.Timestamp = this.options["Timestamp" + index]; data.AtCommentId = this.options.atCommentId; var checkFlag = this.checkPostData(data); if (checkFlag) { data.CommentText = escape(data.CommentText); this.postComment(data); } }; this.checkPostData = function (data) { var type = this.options.postType; this.clearError(); if ($.trim(data.CommentText) == "") { if (type == "comment") { this.showError(this.getCurrentCommentElement(), this.options.commentTextEmpty); } else { this.showError(this.getCurrentCommentElement(), this.options.replyTextEmpty); } return false; } else { if (data.CommentText.length > 400) { if (type == "comment") { this.showError(this.getCurrentCommentElement(), this.options.commentTextMaxLength); } else { this.showError(this.getCurrentCommentElement(), this.options.replyTextMaxLength); } return false; } } if ($.trim(data.Captcha) == "") { if (type == "comment") { if (!this.options.isLogin) { this.showError(this.getCurrentCaptchaElement(), this.options.captchaEmpty); return false; } } else { if (!this.options.isLogin) { this.showError(this.getCurrentCaptchaElement(), this.options.captchaEmpty); return false; } } } return true; }; this.serializePostData = function () { var data = {}; data.CommentText = $("#" + this.options.controlId).find("textarea").val(); data.CommentText = $.trim(data.CommentText); data.Captcha = $("#" + this.options.controlId).find(".mw-comment-code-input").val(); data.EntityId = this.options.entityId; data.EntityType = this.options.entityType; return data; }; this.smrecompute = function (hisH) { var tabContentHeight = $('#' + this.options.controlId + ' .mw-comment').height(); $('#' + this.options.controlId).smrecompute("recomputeTo", [tabContentHeight, hisH]); }; this.postComment = function (data) { var self = this; self.options.isPosting = true; $.ajax({ url: '/Comment/AddComment', type: 'POST', //GET async: true, //或false,是否异步 data: data, timeout: 5000, //超时时间 dataType: 'json', //返回的数据格式:json/xml/html/script/jsonp/text success: function (result) { if (result.IsSuccess) { if (self.options.postType == "comment") { alert(self.options.postCommentSucess); } else { alert(self.options.postReplySucess); } $(self.getCurrentCommentElement()).val(''); $(self.getCurrentCaptchaElement()).val(''); self.loadCommentList(); self.closeCommentDialog(); } else { if (typeof result.validate != "undefined") { if ( == "Captcha") { self.showError(self.getCurrentCaptchaElement(), result.validate); } if ( == "Comment" || == "Reply") { self.showError(self.getCurrentCommentElement(), result.validate); } } } }, complete: function () { self.options.isPosting = false; } }); }; this.showPager = function () { var pagerStyle = this.options.pagerStyle; var htmlId = this.options.controlId;//self.options.totalPageCount var pageIndex = this.options.pageIndex; var totalPage = this.options.totalPageCount; if (this.options.isShowPager && this.options.totalPageCount > 1) { var pager = $("#" + htmlId).find(".xn-pager"); pager.jqPaginator('option', { totalCounts: this.options.totalCount, onPageChange: this.onPageChange }); $("#" + htmlId + " .xn-pager").show(); } else { $("#" + htmlId + " .xn-pager").hide(); 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